Acupuncture & Tuina

Traditional Chinese Medicine



I am now conducting face-to-face appointments. If you would like to make a booking, please contact me. My phone number is: 07552975060. 

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Welcome to our website

We’re glad you found us. Whether you suffer from a chronic condition  or have an acute issue, our practice offers you a professional Acupuncture and complementary treatment protocol provided by a fully-qualified and knowledgeable practitioner.

Comprehensive and adjunctive treatments 

Therapies Available

Nio gateway to health, supporting people to stay strong. healthy and active in mind-body-spirit.

Nio gateway to health is offering Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and other treatments such as Tuina (Chinese Massage and manual therapy) and manipulation/mobilization, Cupping, Electro-Acupuncture, and other complementary therapies (refer to our services section). To register your interest in these services please contact

If you prefer to call me, be sure to also leave a text message so that I can identify you as a legitimate caller and call you back.

Read on in our services subheading for  treatments.


dry-needling therapy

 Release myofascial trigger points  causing stiffness and pain in the lower, mid and upper back region referring  distally or localised to a specific area.
What is Dry needling?
 Get fast results by reducing pain and increase range of motion (ROM). Dry needling is a relatively new modality targeted at desensitising muscle trigger points (MftrP) and or pain utilizing a "dry" needling technique by insertion into the skin and MfTrPs. It can elicit a local twitch response causing a hyperirritable taut band of muscle tissue with trigger points to contract and simultaneously release. Probably rapidly depolarizing the area essential to remove any dysfunction in electrical activity and pain.

 Inserting needles also can increase blood flow and speed up the body's natural healing mechanism by inducing a microtrauma. It is not untypical to have a reduction in muscular pain by 50% or more in one to two treatments. 

Muscle tension and trigger points linked to other conditions related to muscle groups comprise of limited ROM, altered gait, headaches, abdominal and digestive problems and can ultimately affect anywhere on the kinetic chain. 

Dry needling is a beneficial tool and an easy way to work on superficial and deep muscle tissue to get straight to the target. It is a rapid process, low risk, minimally invasive, cost-effective, and well-tolerated in specific areas and muscular groups on the human body. 

Dry needling has origins in wet needling where wet substances like opioid drugs and saline get injected into trigger points. A fun fact: the founder of wet needling Dr Travell was President John F. Kennedy's respected white house physician. 

   Later discoveries concluded that the "dry" needling alone mechanically stimulated the trigger point and not the medication administered. Many studies have since established Its effectiveness based on scientific research.

It is important to note like with any standalone therapy; dry needling does not permanently resolve all trigger points issues. The cause may be due to muscular imbalance, asymmetry, poor posture, and any other intrinsic or extrinsic factors.

Consequently, a well thought out treatment plan in conjunction with other modalities must be considered for long-term relief from pain and to maximize muscular-skeletal function.

Aches and pains and the Nervous System

Treat generic aches and pains that are hindering your daily activities.
 Pain is defined as "An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage" (IASP, 2018). 

The descending pain pathway offers a vignette describing  a nerve pathway which involves a complex network of nerves, nerve receptors and chemicals associated with pain and the emotional response.  Explaining why  we attach an emotional response to pain in whatever form. 

The use of Morphine is an example of the pain relieving effects of this pathway. The body carries its own opioids in the midbrain ( Periaqueductal grey) which block these pain messages sent from the body via the spinal cord to the brain (ascending pathway). 

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture

TCM covers a more comprehensive scope than conventional dry needling and has been around for much longer, boasting an organized system of diagnosis and treatment for 3000 years. 
Plus, the training for this modality takes much longer to learn and practice.
It treats everything from the muscles and skeletal conditions to the nervous system for many health conditions.  
It is not uncommon for An TCM practitioner to practice some form of internal/external martial arts and therefore are well equipped to deal with sport-related injuries and medical conditions that may be affecting performance.

 Acupuncture and auriculotherapy have been shown to release endogenous opioids (peptides) such as enkephalins or endorphines, that calm our nervous system, alleviate pain, promote relaxation and aid in sleep (important for recovery). Via the GABA chemical messengers or simply put, chemicals, this may reduce the excitability of the nerves  which research suggests helps regulate the fear and anxiety response. Activating this negative feedback loop system can help you feel better and aid in recovery both in mind, body and spirit in a whole-body healing system.

 This is like the inner Antioxidants (rest, think hibernating animal) that reduce free radicals that easily damage Gaba receptors,  and reduce inflammation caused by oxidative stress. Simply put, what this means is,  by using these modalities on top of a healthy life style, diet and exercise routine we can positively affect the health  that we are handed down with through our genes or acquire though out our life span. 

Why is this important? 

well, the body is all about opposites and where there are opposites there needs to be balance,  and GABAs opposite is glutamate (metabolic substrate) , this wakes up the brain and energies us via the NMDA receptor. Many conditions such as migraines, increased appetite, addictions such as alcoholism, diabetes, seizures, autism, depression, anxiety, ME/CFS, cerebrovascular disease, brain disease, impotence are linked with low Gaba and too much glutamate. Striking a balance is essential to manage health.

Editors note: Also norepinephrine (NE; Noradrenaline), found almost everywhere from nerve endings to central nervous system (periphery to spinal cord , brainstem, cortex (brain level)) and glycine  are  other neurotransmitters  involved in  modulating (stimulate/inhibit) pain and stress response (NE).

Why not have a word with your local GP or contact Arran today and see if you are a good candidate to try out these therapies for yourself. More

Auriculotherapy/battlefield acupuncture

Effective rapid pain relief 
What are battlefield acupuncture and auriculotherapy?
Get rapid pain relief from this effective microsystem method. Acupuncture and acupressure is an ancient practice which boasts a rich history recorded over two millennia. 

Modern Auriculotherapy is a relatively new modality rooted in neuroscience dating back to around 60+years. The human nervous system reflected in a microsystem mapped on the ears. 

French neurologist and physician Paul Nogier developed it. After being intrigued by the scarring on a patient's ears who had received relief from sciatic pain from a French lay healer. 

As a testament to the effectiveness of this treatment and a response to the opioid addiction crisis and epidemic, the US military used Battlefield during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. 

 It was used extensively as the administering morphine often carried a higher risk of fatality than the wounds. Originally designed for fighter pilots who could not fly whilst taking opiate medication.  Also, soldiers could still be armed as they were not suffering from the hallucinatory effects of the drug. Additional benefits included are help with insomnia and post-trauma and overcoming opioid misuse or dependence. Fourteen years on it is still used extensively by the US military and several other NATO countries. Many health clinics also are utilizing Battlefield method for easing pain associated with many health conditions

chronic pain an evolutionary trade-off?

Pain is a necessary response to move the brain into action against potential or real harm (noxious stimuli). The centre of the brain called the limbic system shares many functions related to movement, behaviour, memory, cognition and decides how we deal with pain. These work together during a stress response. This is all well and good with acute pain but with chronic pain this loop can get disrupted. By working with the patient and stimulating the nervous system, the aim is to break this cycle and positively affect this reward centre in the brain (neurons that fire together wire together) to help repattern the brain and work with our bodies not against them. This is a technique used for thousands of years by meditative, qigong and yogi practicioners. This is largely borrowed today with such models as biopsychoosocial (BSP) , mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapies. Today we have case research and science in addition to help us greater understand what has already been implemented and to make this accessible to everyone.

A whole-body healing system 

Here at NIO Gateway to Health and Wellness we believe in the bodies natural healing ability and tap into this at the source (YOU) with the help of the therapy. By understanding how the mind and body relates to overall health and performance and how we and others effect this helps us take back the reins and start guiding us to make better decisions, work with your body in managing short or long standing conditions and to have a better outlook, overall.
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